This request is superseded by
request 4376
(Show diff)
Request 4368 (superseded)
New upstream release
- Created by zaitor almost 6 years ago
- In state superseded
- Package maintainer: marguerite
- Superseded by 4376
The diff call for home:zaitor:branches:Essentials/fdk-aac failed: package 'fdk-aac' does not exist
Request History
zaitor created request almost 6 years ago
New upstream release
zaitor wrote almost 6 years ago
Do not ack this until a patched gstreamer-plugins-bad lands (already acked into SLED 15.0 Updates, so it should not be that long until it lands in Leap too.
zaitor wrote almost 6 years ago
Patched gst-bad now in place :-) Please feel free to ack